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Are you ready to accept the challenge?

Upon joining the Lt. Alexander Bonnyman Young Marine Unit, you will undergo a training orientation program, commonly referred to as "Recruit Training".  You must successfully complete recruit training before you earn the title of Young Marine.  During the recruit training process, you will learn general subjects such as history, customs and courtesies, close order drill, physical fitness, and military rank structure.  After graduating, you have the opportunity to learn new skills, earn rank, wear the Young Marine uniform and work toward earning ribbons and awards.  Young Marines earn ribbons for achievement in areas such as leadership, community service, swimming, academic excellence, first aid, and drug resistance education.


Generally, we hold two recruit classes per year.  If you join between recruit classes, you will be considered a "poolee".  As a poolee, you are able to attend meetings and participate in other events, but you will not be permitted to wear the Young Marine uniform until completion of recruit training.  Most consider their time as a poolee as an opportunity to get a jump start on the things, they need to learn during recruit training.  Once a recruit class opens, the poolees will then officially become Young Marine Recruits and begin the recruit training process.

To join the Lt. Alexander Bonnyman Unit, you must first complete the online application by clicking the

"I ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE" button below.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact us via email at

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can join?

The Young Marine program is open to all youths ages eight through eighteen or completion of high school, whichever comes last. Young Marines must be in good standing in school and have no criminal history.


What is the application process?

In order to join the Young Marine program, parents/guardians must first submit a completed application to the unit.  The application packet includes the enrollment form, the Young Marine contract and obligation, authorization for medical treatment, a health history form, and a physical exam form that must be completed and signed by a physician.  Once the packet is completed, it can be submitted to the Unit for review.


How much does it cost?

After submitting the application and being selected for membership, new recruits must pay an initial membership fee of $150.00.  This initial fee is non-refundable and covers insurance and registration fees.  As the recruit begins the second week of training, an additional $150.00 non-refundable fee will be collected, which will cover the cost of the recruit’s first Young Marine Uniform, including the camo trousers and blouse, patches, boots, cover, and a red t-shirt.  After completing recruit training, the Young Marine will need to pay a yearly membership fee of $85.00, which will be collected near the end of the fiscal year and update their information on the National Young Marine Website (  Once a new member successfully completes the recruit training process and becomes a Young Marine, they do not have to undergo recruit training again, as long as they maintain active membership in the program.


When can I join?

Typically, our unit will hold two recruit classes per year, depending on the number of recruit applicants.  Although we only hold two recruit classes, new members can join at any time.  New members who join throughout the year will be considered “poolees” and can attend meetings, also known as drills, and participate in unit activities.  This gives the “poolee” an advantage over other recruits when it comes time for recruit training.  Once a recruit class is scheduled, the “poolees” will be transferred to recruit status. Upon successful completion of recruit training, they will become Young Marines and be permitted to wear the Young Marine uniform.


What will I need?

Recruits and poolees will need to provide and maintain the following items, as they will be required during drills and activities throughout their time in the Young Marines:  a white t-shirt, gray sweatpants, gray sweatshirt, black gym shorts, tennis shoes, khaki shorts, khaki pants, and a neatly trimmed hair cut for males.  All clothing items must be plain and without logos or writing.  Young Marines, recruits, and poolees are expected to arrive promptly at each training day, with a good attitude, and be prepared for the day ahead. 


What is recruit training like?

Upon joining the Lt. Alexander Bonnyman Young Marine Unit, new members will undergo a training orientation program called "Recruit Training".  Recruits must successfully complete recruit training before earning the title of Young Marine. During the recruit training process, recruits will learn general subjects such as history, customs and courtesies, close order drill, physical fitness, and military rank structure. After graduating, Young Marines will have the opportunity to learn new skills, earn rank, wear the Young Marine uniform, and work toward earning ribbons and awards. Young Marines earn ribbons for achievement in areas such as leadership, community service, swimming, academic excellence, first aid, and drug resistance education.  The recruit training process can be challenging for some due to the strict discipline, physical training, and the high expectations we hold all members to, but after completion, Young Marines will have a sense of pride and accomplishment and a better understanding of our core values of Leadership, Teamwork, and Discipline.


How often do you meet?

During the recruit training process, recruits will be required to complete nine weeks of training.  Our unit meets on Saturdays from 0900 to 1400 (9:00 AM - 2:00 PM).  While in recruit training, recruits will meet every Saturday until graduation.  After graduation, the Young Marines typically only meet every other Saturday.

Do you accept the challenge?

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The Lt. Alexander Bonnyman Unit of Young Marines is part of a

national non-profit 501c(3) youth education and service program


Visit the National Young Marine website at


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